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Time to Talk: Being Female, Muslim and Black

November 24, 2020 @ 18:00 - 19:30 CET

Virtual Event Virtual Event
Free – 100NOK

Unpacking biases

How much attention do you pay to the narrative about Muslim women in the media? Ask yourself, how are they described? How much of it do you believe?

As a society, we stand up for women’s and LBGTQI+-rights, we fight against the discrimination of black people, and in recent times, we have heated debates about anti-Muslim hate. Yet, we often forget that people can and do belong to all of these categories at the same time.

Within different movements, people belonging to all these groups are often expected to leave one or more of their identities behind, while, in the real world, they are facing challenges of discrimination, biases, prejudices and racism because of the entirety of their being.

Join us for a discussion with our guest, Sahra Hirsi about her experience as a Black Muslim woman in Norway. She will be talking about how she navigates the society and challenge some of the stereotypes and biases our broader community holds.

About Sahra Hirsi
Sahra holds a bachelor degree in English language and literature from Oslo University (UiO), and is currently completing a second bachelor degree in educational psychology and a master degree in international education and sustainability.

Sahra has worked as a teacher, board member and treasurer of the African Student Association at UiO and is currently the Vice President of the Somali Student Forening. Moreover, Sahra lauched her own podcast, Spoken by Sahra, this year, where she invites different speakers to discuss issues such as racism and Islamophobia.


November 24, 2020
18:00 - 19:30 CET
Free – 100NOK
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Standart ticket includes:

  • 3 course meal;
  • 3 glasses of wine;
  • Coupon for 20% discount for cloth rental for this gala from Fjong;

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