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Emotional Intelligence: Building Resilience and Confidence

February 10, 2021 @ 18:00 - 21:00 CET

Virtual Event Virtual Event
350NOK – 500NOK

If we were to poll what people thought of 2020, there is a strong—very strong—chance that the words ‘could’ve been better’ may come up.

Don’t take our word for it! We’re not the kind of people who make bets. On the other hand, if we were…

Here’s something you could put a bet on: 2021 will pose challenges of its own.

But we have abundant opportunity to face it forewarned, and with a greater resilience, greater self-awareness, and a greater capacity to regulate our inner worlds so that the outer one cannot shatter who we are.

Building Resilience and Confidence

Our second Emotional Intelligence session revisits key themes from the December workshop. We’ll arm you with techniques you can use to cultivate a way of thinking—not just coping mechanisms—but strategies to use in order to live in the world as it is.

Only when we live in the world as it is, can we begin building the world we want—one more connected, empathetic, and emotionally intelligent.

So… learn nine new E.Q. strategies. Refine what we’ve talked about before. Go into 2021 with greater confidence in yourself, and stronger resilience to whatever the year throws our way.

As ever we’ll have a mammoth Q and A for you to speak and ask about what matters to you on your E.Q. journey.

Start 2021 the right way.

In-Person Ticket: NOK500
Online Ticket: NOK350
Max participants on-site: 15

NOTE: Due to the current restrictions in Oslo, we anticipate that this event will likely take place on online. However, we are hopeful that it might be possible to hold it in-person. If you purchase an in-person ticket and the event must be held online, you may apply the difference in cost between the in-person and the online ticket to the cost of the next Emotional Intelligence session.

About the facilitators

Andy McQuade

Andy McQuade is an Emotional Intelligence coach with a background in Marketing and Media, having worked for clients such as The BBC, and Channel 4. He helps businesses and individuals understand the role emotions play in their (ad)ventures, aiding them to expand the thinking space between event and reaction. He is a firm believer that in order to create a better, fairer, and more egalitarian society, the first thing we must learn to challenge is the power emotions have over us. By doing this we prevent ourselves making decisions that are not in our best interest simply because they ‘felt right at the time’. He promotes self-awareness accompanied by sound, scientifically and historically based techniques that enable our emotions to work for us and not against us. Simultaneously, Andy understands that a truly full spectrum of E.Q. also incorporates a profound understanding of interpersonal dynamics, including the cultural shifts that being a migrant in a new country entails. Andy particularly specialises in understanding the myriad ways in which individuals, malicious in intent, often strive to use emotions against us through deception and manipulation. He aids people to see through these tactics by using what he calls ‘Emotional Self-Defence.’ Like many, Andy has faced setbacks and obstacles in moving to Norway and trying to carve a niche, and it is through this difficulty he has come to find meaning in aiding others understand and confront certain universals—that whether we’re in directing a business or lounging in a bar, the world is more than simply facts and figures and logic, and to navigate it we all need to be as emotionally fit as we are physically fit. His sessions are renowned for their good humour, personality, and above all their accessibility. Whether you’re a brand looking to gain competitive edge by using empathetic techniques to better understand the thinking of others in the market, or whether you’re playing the dating game and trying to figure out whether he or she is really worth investing your time in—the answer to all of these questions comes easier through mastery of Emotional Intelligence. That’s where Andy comes in…

Meryn Zumbo Willetts

If there’s anyone you want in your corner when getting a bold, ambitious project off the ground, it’s Meryn. She’s passionate about people and works tirelessly with them to unlock their greatest potential. She believes that each and every one of us can be limitless, so long as we have the tools to kickstart our growth.

Meryn has been advising and mentoring leaders and entrepreneurs for over a decade, challenging her clients to take risks, push boundaries and leverage their passions and strengths to become their highest calibre self.

Over her 15-year career span, Meryn has channelled her drive and passion for ‘doing business better’ through advising politicians, senior corporate leaders and up-and-coming startup founders to develop the mindset, strategies and tools to turn their vision into a reality and put a real dent in the world. She takes an unconventional approach to getting things done and relentlessly seeks out cutting edge knowledge to integrate into her work.

Meryn kicked off her career in advertising at age 18 and started her first consulting business at 22. She has gone through the highs and lows of startup life, getting results and making terrible fuck-ups along the way. She is an example of how, through these ups and downs, building EQ (emotional intelligence) can empower you to navigate and take control of your life despite the challenges life throws at you. She relentlessly works on self-value, resilience-building and doing things afraid and is committed to continuous self-evolution.

Meryn is passionate about ecosystem building; combining technology and authentic leadership to create consequential and inspiring change necessary for sociopolitical, environmental and economic progress.

As an executive coach and advisor, Meryn works with senior leaders from firms such as Statkraft, KPMG, and develops founders in the Charge Startup Incubator and within the broader Oslo startup ecosystem. She speaks at various events and conferences and serves on multiple boards including Oslo Blockchain Cluster, Vaffelgutta and Revenue Development Fund.

Meryn embodies a rare mix of productivity, passion and creativity. She is open, curious and has a contagious personality. You cannot help but be inspired by her enthusiasm, grit and strength of character.


February 10, 2021
18:00 - 21:00 CET
350NOK – 500NOK
Event Tags:
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Strandgata 19
Oslo, Oslo 0152 Norway
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Standart ticket includes:

  • 3 course meal;
  • 3 glasses of wine;
  • Coupon for 20% discount for cloth rental for this gala from Fjong;

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