Latest Past Events

Create Your Success from the Inside Out

Session 4 Fear of not being good enough? Or, is it actual fear of success? Either way, this in depth workshop will assist you with breaking through!In this 4 week series you will uncover what is getting in your way of achieving the success that you are striving for and the success that is rightfully […]


Create Your Success from the Inside Out

Session 3 Fear of not being good enough? Or, is it actual fear of success? Either way, this in depth workshop will assist you with breaking through!In this 4 week series you will uncover what is getting in your way of achieving the success that you are striving for and the success that is rightfully […]


Create Your Success from the Inside Out

Session 2 Fear of not being good enough? Or, is it actual fear of success? Either way, this in depth workshop will assist you with breaking through!In this 4 week series you will uncover what is getting in your way of achieving the success that you are striving for and the success that is rightfully […]

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Standart ticket includes:

  • 3 course meal;
  • 3 glasses of wine;
  • Coupon for 20% discount for cloth rental for this gala from Fjong;

some answers that will help you in the process