Latest Past Events

Uncomfortable Conversations on Race in the HealthCare System

HerSpace Strandgata 19, Oslo

Uncomfortable Conversations on Anti-Racism Doing the work means choosing to have Uncomfortable Conversations on Anti-Racism. We are renaming our series to better communicate how we create a space for you to learn, share and reflect with others on anti-racist work that will be hard, compassionate and so worth it. Come to our session to learn […]


Thriving in Norway: Going to the doctor

HerSpace Strandgata 19, Oslo

The Norwegian Health System is among the best in the world. So, how does it work within the system? What if you're in need of pain killers for that time of the month? What if your kid falls from the slide in the playground? This week for Thriving in Norway we will be discussing our […]

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Standart ticket includes:

  • 3 course meal;
  • 3 glasses of wine;
  • Coupon for 20% discount for cloth rental for this gala from Fjong;

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