Latest Past Events

Book Club på Norsk

Learning a new language is daunting, especially when done alone. With this book club, we plan to facilitate your ability to discuss and share ideas in Norwegian. Reading is an interactive and enjoyable way to learn a language. We will cover different texts each week, so please sign up ahead of time so we can […]


Book Club på Norsk

Den Norske Folkesjela Learning a new language is daunting, especially when done alone. With this book club, we plan to facilitate your ability to discuss and share ideas in Norwegian. Reading is an interactive and enjoyable way to learn a language. Our first text will be “Den Norske Folkesjela” by Per Egil Hegge. We aim […]


Book Club på Norsk

Den Norske Folkesjela Learning a new language is daunting, especially when done alone. With this book club, we plan to facilitate your ability to discuss and share ideas in Norwegian. Reading is an interactive and enjoyable way to learn a language. Our first text will be “Den Norske Folkesjela” by Per Egil Hegge. We aim […]

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Standart ticket includes:

  • 3 course meal;
  • 3 glasses of wine;
  • Coupon for 20% discount for cloth rental for this gala from Fjong;

some answers that will help you in the process